Hello Blogger friends!
Its been a while and I missed a lot of my favorite weekly meme's theme. I was been so busy lately working at the hospital and I don't have enough ample time to spend infront of the laptop to write on my blog since I'm so tired, all I wanted to do is sleep, that sometimes I wasn't able to eat my meals...but sad to say, though I don't eat much meal, still the hospital curse rules me, so I really gained a lot of weight (which means I'm overweight now!!!) and had a hard time going back to my previous weight...grrrrr...

So before I get going, I really have so much stuffs to tell everyone, but don't know if I could be able to write everything in here...*giggles*...Well, I take this opportunity to write for I have nothing to do today, since my duty is at 3pm today, I wanted to make the most of my remaining time before leaving for work. I was browsing for my weekly memes and found GT, and so I opened it and gotcha! A very nice topic approached me...and it's related for something I wanna share with everybody about my present job...as a NURSE.
I was so blessed and very much thankful to God for all the wonderful things He had given me everyday and have nothing to ask for except to be thankful cos' He always gave me what I deserve even before I ask it from Him. Anyway, it was just last year when I was in Cebu for a year I guess to review for my board exam and in there, I took my 1st board examinations last December 19-20, 2010 and proudly to say that I made it, all my hardships were paid off after the exam result was released by February 2011. It was March 2011, I went back to Cebu to process my papers in preparation for my PRC license and also for my Oathtaking Ceremony for me to legally practise my profession. (photo below)

And so after I've pledge my oath, I then took my chance applying in a government hospital to gain experience...and was lucky enough, my application was approved; and now, I am working as a RN. As far as I can say, I was lucky to have worked with a lot of people in the hospital, to say that it is a government hospital, it's really a great advantage in my part to hone my knowledge and skills in my chosen field. In my 3 months of working, I can proudly say that I can compete with other nurses around the globe in terms of expertise in nursing and caring for the sick. Though I know that my experience is not enough for me to apply abroad but I am very confident and competent enough, and I do believe in my self that I can excel in my chosen career.
Not only that I gained a lot of experience while working in the hospital, it also gave me an opportunity to build good working relationships with my colleagues, staffs, doctors and other health care team I worked with. And not only that, I was able to enhance my self-esteem since I was quiet and shy by nature, I become now more confident dealing with people.
So before I end this, I wanted to share some wonderful photos and good memories to cherish with my friends..
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