Hello blogger friends!

These photo's above was taken after our dinner, the night we arrived at the place.

The morning the next day, I woke up early in the morning
around 5am to cook breakfast for my group.
Since I can't expect everybody to help or do the task since
they are all drunk last night..lol
So, I cooked corned beef with potatoes,
(hotdogs, hams, rice) no photos available *wink*
and my specialty the ham and cheese maki.
After so, we then took some photos of the place and enjoy
everybody's company while swimming and playing around
without any worries about our hospital duties.
As of that moment, we forgot about the hospital,
our patients, our own problems.
This time, we think of our happiness and the company of
good friends that makes our journey worthwhile.

These two people were one of my closest friends, so sad they both ended up working
already in preparation for a more brighter future ahead of our profession.
But was glad to share and spent time with them even though
we seldom see each other now. <3

Photo with some staffs and previous workers at the hospital, somewhat
like a reunion for us all.

The photo above was made by yours truly,
since cooking is my passion I did the marinating of pork
the morning we headed to Sipalay, we cook it for our lunch the
next day. *yummy!!*
And our trip wouldn't be complete without a group picture.
That's why I really love my group! *Wink*
"We didn't realize we were MAKING MEMORIES, we thought we were just having FUN."