I'm a NURSE. A hopeless romantic person. Waiting for MR. RIGHT to come along at the right time and place. I have passion for culinary and arts. Love travels and adventures. And most of all PHOTOGRAPHY interests me much!
Finally, after the long wait, I'm here in Egypt. :)
The few months ago was not so promising since I have a lot of struggles before I am able to come here for work... but as they've said good thing comes to those who wait, then mine is worth the wait. *wink*
I am working here in Egypt as an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Staff Nurse in a famous hospital which is specialized for Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular and Nervous Diseases: The Dar Al Fouad Hospital which is accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) and extensively collaborates with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF), the top cardiac hospital in the US.
Finally, my dreams are within reach, yet it's just sad knowing that I am already far away from my family and loved ones, yet trusting that greener pastures will be soon at hand and we'll be together again soon. As of now I am on the process of adjusting to the place, the weather and the people, fortunately, I was able to meet some old friends and good people, and was able to meet my aunt and her family. It was been a week past now since I arrived in Egypt, and was able to experience and create new memories to cherish, and hopefully more memories to create in the next days to come. I was also able to visit some beautiful places here and hopefully to visit the Great Pyramids one of these days.