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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Scarlet Wednesday #1

Hello blogger friends!

It's time for Scarlet Wednesday.

Sorry for my late post for some changes of my day off,
that I wasn't able to post it earlier for you.

But now, I'm already free and time for my RED post for this week.

This photo was very memorable for me cos' this was my first time
to work on the hospital, and also my first time
to be assigned at the ER (Emergency Room)
and meet new good friends.

So join me here every Wednesday for the parade of REDS
and meet new friends!

Have fun everyone!

Share us your RED today!

1. John McElveen  4. SHY  7. Anne's Sweet Life  
2. shellybean101  5. My Journey  
3. teJan  6. Anything About Bella  

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Chin's Graduation

Last March 20 of this year was my little girl's graduation day. So me and hubby attended her big event. We do have a nocturnal duty at the hospital then the night before, but we decided not to go on duty for our daughter, eventhough we will be facing penalty for not filing a leave or prior notice for being absent on that day. Being parents is very difficult task to do, but we must make the most out of it and must be a good time spender and manager for everything especially that both of us are working, and seldom be with our child. On the other hand, we are very proud mum and dad for our daughter. Finally she has graduated in her toddler class, and that means more to expect from her on her future endeavor, but we will still be supportive of her as always.

Congratulations dear, keep up the good work! mommy and daddy is so proud of you. xoxo

Mum and daughter photo before the program

Daddy was the one who walk with her for the opening march

On their special song number (Jesus Loves Me) with all the other pre-schoolers

Outside the church after receiving her diploma

With her "Lola Leds", one of the school officers

with Yen-yen, my girl's classmate who is also a relative of ours

with her other classmates on their wacky pose (L-R: Chin, Yen2x, Luis and Caile)

a candid shot whilst playing and jumping around

This photo taken by our daughter. See, look how good she is as a photographer. Nice shot dear!*wink*

Taken after the program, we have our lunch at a restaurant near the school

A big KISS especially for her

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Smiling Sally MellowYellowMondayBadge
Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

For Her Recognition Day

It's Saturday once again and time for my PINK post sorry I was late to post for PS cos' I got some problems with my internet connection at home... Special Thanks to Ms. Beverly of Pink Saturday for featuring me on her PS. So come and find new friends there. Today, I have a featured blogger Ms. Lynn of The Vintage Nest, spare some time to visit her blog too.*wink*

Since March in the Philippines is the time for Graduation, I wanna share with you the dress whom my daughter worn last March 19 during her Recognition Day. She was enrolled at a Toddler Class at a private school in my hometown last June 2011, and now, she's a graduate. I'm a proud mum knowing that she did well in school and was a very active and cooperative little girl, though sometimes she's a bit hyperactive and with temper tantrums, yet she will always be loved by us.

This is the photo taken a day before my little girl's Recognition Day. And this dress was made especially for her by a friend of my BIL who is also the designer of my soon to be wedding gown. My little girl really love posing herself for a photo, isn't it obvious? She really looks so cute and lovely in her dress, no doubt where she get the trait from..*wink*. Below is a candid pose of her.

I am also posting this to:


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Monday, March 19, 2012

How to Know When Your Child Is Ready for Toilet Training

Truth be told, some parents wish that their child is ready for toilet training a lot earlier than the child is ready. And it often comes right at that moment when you've just had it buying expensive diapers and changing them again and again and again! But take heart, the time does come and a child that shows signs of readiness is more likely to transition without problems than a child who is pushed before he or she is ready.

Here are some steps to remember:

1. Listen to a toddler who tells you that he or she needs to go. This is a sign that your child is now recognizing the urge to urinate.
2. Notice when your toddler seems uncomfortable in wet or dirty diapers. They might pull at it, cry quickly and demand a change, or simply pull them off.
3. Watch for interest in the toilet. They might follow you in and watch. Or they might clamber on it themselves and mimic other family members using the toilet. Some children even work it out for themselves!
4. Test your child's ability to go to the toilet and remove his or her pants without help. Do they have any problems climbing up and sitting? If so, provide a stepping stool and see if this makes a positive difference.
5. Proceed with Potty Training.

Tips to parents:

*Use cloth diapers or pull-ups rather than diapers as your child starts showing an interest in toilet training. Cloth diapers create a less pleasant sensation and a desire to remove them. Pull-ups are great and easy for the child to handle without causing embarrassment when there are mishaps.
*Try to aim for using the toilet rather than a potty. Or compromise and find a potty that goes on the toilet. And potties in the kitchen are a total no-no. Not only is this disgracefully unhygienic, it also teaches your child a bad lesson - that it is OK to go anywhere. It is not OK; the bathroom is the only correct place to go.

*Never push a child who shows fear or disinterest in being taught toilet training; this is a clear message that they do not feel ready and you might delay things a lot longer than would have been the case if you insist and there ''will'' be a lot more nasty messes to clean up.

Little Girl in Hearts Dress

This is my cute little girl in her blue dress, supposedly, she will going to wear this for her Recognition Day, but her uncle said that they will going to buy her new dress for it. So we just let her wear it and pose for a photo.*wink*

Time travels fast that she was once just being cuddled by me in my tender arms, and now, I can't imagine she's already a grown up and tomorrow will be graduating from her Toddler Class. Sometimes she's a terrible three, but who wasn't been at this age not being so terrible and naughty? I guess we all have been at this age, an I do understand that it is just normal for her age. I just have to be a more patient mum because I love her so much! But what I've read and learnt, these age must be guided correctly so that they will not go wrong when they grow old.

... and if you have time you can join me at my hosted meme
Scarlet Wednesday this coming 28th of March

Posting for:

Smiling Sally


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Green Chocolate Chip Cookies

St. Patrick's Day is the perfect holiday to enjoy the color green. Whether it's on your clothing, in your beer, or around your house, enjoy these green treats as well. Here is how to make green chocolate chip cookies.


  • 2 3/4 cups (345g) all purpose flour (plain flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 cup (230g) butter, softened
  • 1 1/2 cups (330g) granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 drops of green food coloring
  • 1 cup (168g) chocolate chips

How to Prepare:

1. Preheat oven to 375ºF/190ºC.

2. Combine the dry ingredients in a small bowl.

3. Cream the sugar and butter in a large bowl.

4. Add and thoroughly mix the food coloring, egg, and vanilla.

5. Incorporate the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.

6. Fold the chocolate chips in the bowl.

7. Add about a tablespoon of the dough on parchment paper lined cookie sheets. You can lightly flatten them down for a flat cookie, as these don't spread out like normal cookies.

8. Bake for 10 minutes or until the edges are golden. Allow the cookies to cool on a cooling rack for a few minutes.

9. Serve and enjoy.

Things You'll Need:
  • Hand or stand mixer
  • Large bowl
  • Small bowl
  • Cookie sheet, lined with parchment paper
  • Cooling rack
  • Measuring utensils

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How to Make Green Beer

Some people celebrate St. Patrick's Day by wearing green. To show your enthusiasm, why not try drinking green, too? Making green beer is almost as easy as drinking it.

Things You'll Need:

  • Beer
  • Food coloring

Here are few simple steps:

1. Purchase a light colored beer or ale
. This can also be done with a dark beer, but it'll require so much food coloring that it turns your teeth green when you drink it, and that's something most people would like to avoid. Miller High Life (the champagne of beers) in a bottle is an excellent choice, since it comes in a clear bottle (no mug required - skip steps 2 and 4) and is relatively inexpensive.

2. Pour some of the beer into a glass or mug.

3. Place 4-6 drops of green food coloring in the beer. You can also experiment with adding blue food coloring, since the beer is already yellow and mixing that with blue makes green.

4. Pour the rest of the beer. The pouring action should mix in the food coloring, but stir lightly if needed. (Stirring too much can make the beer flat.)

5. Enjoy!


  • This is also a staple of Green Beer Day!
  • You can make keg beer green too. All you need is a traditional hand pump and standard vial of green food coloring. Keep in mind that this is a messy procedure so gloves are recommended; you should also do this outside:

    • Dismantle the pump portion of the hand pump (the plastic pony pump style work the best for this).
    • Once the pump portion has been opened by unscrewing the top, add green food coloring into the pump diaphragm. Replace the pump top and tap the keg.
    • Then pump the keg as if trying to dispense the beer (without opening the pouring spout). This will put/pump the food coloring into the keg.
    • Untap the pump. Take the keg and set it on its side to roll it around for a few. This will mix the food coloring into the beer.
    • Let beer settle for a while and enjoy your green beer.


  • Drink responsibly and do not drink and drive. If you make the reckless decision to do so, you will put other people's lives and yours at risk.
  • Alcohol can become highly addictive, drink in moderation.

Posting for:

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