I'm a NURSE. A hopeless romantic person. Waiting for MR. RIGHT to come along at the right time and place. I have passion for culinary and arts. Love travels and adventures. And most of all PHOTOGRAPHY interests me much!
Hello everyone! Mariel here. I'm taking over Karen for this week's Scarlet Wednesday. I just recently went back to blogging, after taking a break for more than a year, so when Karen invited me to co-author this meme with her, I could only say yes. Writing has always been my hobby, but being away from the blogosphere for too long may have stripped me off a bit of that spunk that I'd like to believe I once possessed. So, to keep my writing momentum at an increasing rate, I happily agreed to be this blog's guest writer from time to time.
Before writing this, I was cracking my head thinking what to write about in my first post for the Scarlet Wednesday entry. Topics that I have thought of ranged from "my first train ride" to "the right amount of living space" to "five movies you should watch alone in the dark", but the light bulb moment I was waiting for did not come. I was nearing my deadline when an idea hit me. It was obvious, all along, what I should be writing about. Me. Not that I'm a conceited, narcissistic 23-year old (although that may be sometimes true plus the fact that I seem to have multiple personality disorder), but it just seemed right to make an introductory post. My only concern here now is the "scarlet pictures" that will match this "scarlet blog" about the "scarlet writer" that is yours truly. But we'll manage. *winks*
Alright let's roll!
Credits to ephynephryn.deviantart.com
Forty-six years, three months, and twenty days after the fall of Bataan, a geek goddess by the name of Mariel was born into the mortal world, her parents not knowing that twenty three years later, their goddess of a geek daughter would set up her own Geek Territory in some blog spot in the cyber space. She would while away the hours of her unemployment days slamming her fingers on the computer keyboard, while carelessly thinking of the next blog post. A typical day in her recent life would be: wake up at 10AM, grab breakfast, take a bath, and stay all day in front of a computer screen.
Before I proclaimed myself the geek goddess, I was simply a nurse working my ass off in a hospital for six months, and another six months in a rural health unit. In this odd and unfair world for nurses, I saw my contract end after a year of working, thus my flight back to the blogosphere that I so missed.
I've had a couple of identities over the years of lurking in little corners in cyberspace, but they have all lost their charm in the long time that I have been away. I was once the random, diva and drama queen Mayey over at Multiply who whined over her charger being eaten by a rat, and rambled about her day to day adventures with super typhoons and bad hair days. I was also, for a time, the rabid and perverted Arashi fangirl over at Livejournal, who flailed at pretty Arashi boys, wrote perverted Arashi fanfictions, and squealed at some "rabu-rabu" among the members.
I flailed over pretty japanese guys before I was a goddess.
I may sound like a schizo or a narcissist, but there is more to me than a girl afflicted with the desire to make her thoughts be preserved in words, and her voice be heard. To know more about me, head over to The Geek Territory, where I talk about less narcissistic things, but more geeky stuff like travel, food, and books.
This ends our Scarlet Wednesday post for the week. Come back again next week for your weekly dose of red. I'd like to thank you for bearing with me today. I promise my next post will be better! 'til next time!